Shoujo-Josei Anime & Furry Artist

MamaOwl is a shoujo-josei focused artist specializing in humans and furries.MamaOwl, or Annie, started their art journey at 3 years old, and made it their professional career in 2012. They have an Associate's Degree in graphic design and advertising, and has completed over 1700 commissions between 2012 and 2022.MamaOwl is a chronically ill artist, and has been open on their socials about their struggles. It's good to keep their health in mind if you plan to place a commission, as their health affects their schedule a lot.The style of MamaOwl is pretty distinct, and they have pretty clear preferences on what they enjoy drawing. You can check out these in the Commission tab, as well as in the T.O.S.Thank you for checking out MamaOwl's artwork, and feel free to use the contact tab to get in touch.~


What are your health issues?

(a.k.a why are you sometimes slow?)

Mama has been diagnosed with depression, severe social anxiety, imposter syndrome, PMDD, IBS, an unspecified autoimmune disorder, and hypothyroidism.

Their thyroid and whatever autoimmune issue (doctors are currently doing a lot of tests to try and figure it out) they have, causes a lot of problems.
Most of their issues stem from hormones, which they cannot control. They take their medicine every morning and evening, but their health is a hit or miss daily.
Sometimes, they wake up and jump out of bed and dance. They'll feel amazing - they can move, talk, and they can work and enjoy time with their cats and reptiles/amphibians.
But sometimes, they can't move when they wake up. All their joints hurt and are inflamed. They're swollen and exhausted from fatigue and it takes them hours to just get up and go to the bathroom to do the absolute bare minimum.Because of it, some days they can't work - no matter how much they want to. Everything hurts, their fingers are hard to bend and use. It's better than it was, but they still have flair-ups.
It usually happens before their period during their PMDD. So, we're thinking that has to be hormonal too. They can't do anything about it, and it's scary. It lasts for about a week now.
Some months are longer, but on average they're doing a lot better than they were a few months ago or even years ago.
So if you see MamaOwl running a few weeks behind, it's normal. We just can't predict when it'll happen, even though a pattern is sometimes forming. It's always out of their control.Mama also has eye troubles (light sensitivity and hippus(?), their eyes constantly dilate and retract; like a camera zooming in and out) and chronic daily headaches and migraines
(the doctors could not find a cause for them; personally, MamaOwl think it's tension and neck/spine related because they have very bad anxiety and a mild form of scoliosis).
They take Natural Thyroid, Carvedilol, and muscle relaxers for the very bad migraines. It might be silly or TMI to include all these things, but we want to be transparent on their issues and physical and mental state. We update this list as Mama's diagnosed. Not only does it give factual evidence for some of their work ethic and behavior and mannerisms - but if someone comes across this and sees what they have and what Mama does, we want them to not feel alone either. You are not alone, we guarantee it.Despite all that - MamaOwl typically works 6 days a week, most days for 10-16 hours at a time. But they do have chores, family matters, and personal things they do need to take care of.
If it comes to a point where their health declines to where it's completely taken them out of commission and their schedule is absolutely wrecked, we typically send out mass messages and post a journal entry or status everywhere to let people know what's up.
Mama's queue is typically long, but that's because this is their full time job. They usually have 30-35 commissions per 1-2 months, often more.
Don't let the wait time and queue scare you. MamaOwl is not a scammer and we post regularly and work steadily. This is their full-time job. They work for themselves as a freelancer BECAUSE of their health.
Be aware of that. The reason Mama's able to draw for everyone continuously is because they can't work a normal job. It's a compromise on both ends.
They feel very blessed to have gained enough skills over the years to be good at their job, and they're very thankful for all their followers and clients support.
They're able to making a humble living depending on their clients generosity and people who follow them. We very appreciative of it.
However, because of their health and how much it varies week to week, sometimes MamaOwl is slower than they personally want to be.
They always feel bad about it but they are human and unfortunately they have to put their health first now - they forwent it in the past and hurt themselves over it.
They usually do about 15 commissions a month minimum. Sometimes more, sometimes less (if it's a bad month health wise). But they're generally a fast worker when they go on a roll!
Mama's got many clients, many friends and many followers. If you don't mind waiting, they don't mind drawing for you. Patience is all we ask for! ♡

Can I trust you?

We would like to think so! Mama has had over 800 clients in the last 3-4 years, over 1700 commissions, and they try to be very communicative when it's important.However, it is important to note that they did get a manager in 2021 - namely Nymph, who's running this website and sometimes their other social medias. So, please contact Nymph whenever possible, as this is just alot easier on MamaOwl and their health.We also post regularly and try to maintain a steady work flow. However, if you do see Mama disappear for a few days or even a week, don't be alarmed!!
They're only human. They like to pretend they're a machine, but, they do have their before mentioned health issues. It's why Mama is a freelance artist and work from home. They'll be back in no time!

Why didn't you respond to my comment or note?

It's probably 1 of 3 reasons why;
1 - Mama and/or Nymph is just busy and too tired to socialize. Most days they work 12+ hours on art & take care of their household and personal things). We appreciate all comments and they read every single one!
2 - If it's a note to just have small talk, it will be ignored. Mama doesn't do small talk unfortunately. If they have the time, they'll try to keep a genuine conversation about criticism etc, but oftentimes you'll find that Nymph will handle communications - so if you can't reach MamaOwl, try Nymph instead!
3 - If it's a commission inquiry; you probably either didn't send the form, fill the form out correctly or the commission has been rejected. We do price quotes for free though!

Why was my comment hidden/removed?

We will hide/remove comments usually pertaining to one of two things:
You commented something 'creepy' on Mama's work, or you commented something we consider spam.
Please, don't say anything creepy about characters they draw.
Now, it might not seem creepy to you, but sometimes what we consider creepy means "uncomfortable" for most.
That includes saying anything remotely affectionate about them or a character - especially if it's not Mama's personal character, and is instead a clients.
IE; Hugging them, RP'ing at them, snuggles, etc. or anything sexual at all.
The characters in all commissions are someone's sona/OC. Some people aren't comfortable with that.
Mama is also one of those people who don't like the comments of the sort. Be respectful of other people's characters.
If anyone does this, we will hide their comment for the protection and comfort of the clients.
That really goes for everything. Mama really dislikes RP'ing towards themselves unless they KNOW the person in question very well and borders and limitations have already been established.
Mama also really don't like it when people post "hugs I'm here for you" on their vent art, so those comments will usually be hidden.
No one is close enough to say or do that to Mama. We appreciate the concern, but please, just don't.
Also, excessive spam comments with just emojis or 1-3 word replies (aka, you comment the same thing over and over again daily/per submission).
We'd prefer just a favorite over a comment like that. Some people would disagree, but that's just Mama's personal opinion.
We don't quite know how to respond to these and it really makes it look like they're ignoring people - which they aren't, truthfully. We try to respond to everyone we can, but usually not those comments.
Mama usually personally respond to everything else, if they're not SUPER busy.
MamaOwl maintain several social sites for their art, and it's really draining to reply to everyone's comment.
So if you see hidden comments, that's probably what's going on.

Do you draw NSFW? Why don't you do so more often?

MamaOwl used to draw NSFW frequently, and in 2021-2022 they took on more NSFW commissions. However, they really dislike drawing porn and it makes them feel uncomfortable in a big way. They don't mind drawing artistic nudity, and will from time to time release NSFW YCH's - this is because they have full control of the commission and content of it, and it makes it alot less daunting.
Even if they do take on a nsfw commission or post a nsfw YCH, it's most likely only female presenting characters and/or characters with female anatomy.
Please respect MamaOwl's stance on this, and respect it if your nsfw commission idea gets rejected.

Do you do requests and trades?

MamaOwl will NEVER take on requests. They might draw gifts for friends sometimes, but no requests.
They also rarely accept trades. Their queue is usually too long to take on trades, but they sometimes might do raffles etc.
They almost always accept commissions, and will always be open unless otherwise is stated on this website or on any of their social media (mainly FurAffinity or Twitter).

Can I use your drawing as a reference?

Please don't reference Mama's art.
It's one thing to use their work for inspiration, but referencing it is another. You can google photos and stock images.
Google WoW, Blizzard, MtG, Commercial art, etc.
You can use poses that Mama uses, but just don't reference their work in such a detailed way.
Mama has spent many years on developing a very specific artstyle and coloring method, and they don't really use pose references,
They try hard to be unique, and everyoe else should do the same.
It's okay to use a pose or stock image for inspiration.
It's okay to look at a certain style and borrow some elements. It's okay to ask how to color something.
It's okay to ask how they draw something. But it's never okay to copy what another artist puts out there.
It becomes a problem when someone sees your work, thinks its MamaOwl's and messages them several times, saying you stole their actual art.
Even when you did it all from scratch on your own, it's so close that someone mistook your identities. That's when it becomes a huge problem and moral lines are crossed.
You can be inspired by someone heavily and still have your own style and identity. Please don't steal Mama's, they worked really hard for it!

Will you draw [insert] fandom?

Mama is very particular about fandoms. They will very rarely draw from a TV show (that includes most animes/mangas).
They don't draw most cartoons, and are very picky about game content. You can ask about it, but it's likely they'll decline.
And no, we don't need to give you a reason. There's plenty of people out there willing to draw your fandom - MamaOwl doesn't have to be one of them.

Will you do tutorials/help me with my art?

Unfortunately, MamaOwl doesn't have much time at the moment to help anyone with art or do any more tutorials.
They do have a few tutorials you can find on their DA, FA and FB page (you can find those under the contact tab). You just gotta look!
That being said, they've had people 'copying' them in the last couple of years, and that really bothers them.
MamaOwl tries really hard to be unique and have a diverse style - and to have people sell their style for pennies makes us queasy.
So they have taken a step back from tutoring, giving lessons or doing tutorials using their personal style.
Mama is completely self taught. YouTube and DeviantART are all they used. Just type in Keyword tutorials!
If they do happen to upload any more tutorials or even speedpaints, they'll probably be located on the patreon!

What programs/tools do you use?

Traditionally; copic, ohuhu markers, prismacolor pencils, watercolors, fineliners, sharpie fineline, mechanical pencil, and any type paper (usually printer or cardstock).Digitally; Paint Tool SAI (vers 1), CS3 Photoshop for certain filters, and default SAI brush tools.

Commissions & Prices

Current commission status: OPEN

If you'd like a commission, please fill out the form below the prices and send it to:

Please understand that the wait is a MINIMUM of 4 months currently. On average, the wait is around 2 months, but due to 2021 events, the queue is currently longer.DM the form on your selected platform to inquire.
Be sure to include everything in your form, details not included will be null and subject to a fee.
Payment will be required up front.
Please remember to save your commission from the link you recieve, or ask to have it sent to your email.
Mama does not keep high res files on hand for more than a month because of storage space.
We are not responsible for lost files if you do not save them.



Headshots are only Tier C and are $45.
MamaOwl also offers PWYW $10 minimum headshot sketches.
Examples can be found in the portfolio tab.

Tier A

Lineart and one solid flat color only.
No colored details/markings.
Comes without a background.

Bust: $50Halfbody: $60Fullbody: $75Chibi: $55

Tier B

Lineart and flat colors.
All markings will be included, but the piece will be un-shaded.
Comes without a background, or with a solid color BG.

Bust: $55Halfbody: $75Fullbody: $90Chibi: $60

Tier C

Tier C is a complete artpiece with lineart, flats, and cell shading. Comes with a simple or color background.

Bust: $65Halfbody: $90Fullbody: $105Chibi: $75

Tier D

Complete artpiece with lineart and flats, plus complex, soft shading. Takes longer than tier C and will have more levels of shading and highlight.
Comes with a simple/color background.

Bust: $140Halfbody: $180Fullbody: $205Chibi: $150

Backgrounds & Fees

Simple BGs: No fee (for tiers that come with any BG at all)
Complex BGs: $15-$150 depending on complexity
Extra Characters: 100% of base price per added characterTasteful Nudity/Pinup: No fee
Vanilla NSFW: +15% of total commission price
Kinky NSFW: +25-100% of total commission price
MamaOwl will not always accept all NSFW commissions - it greatly depends on their health and mental state. Send us a message and ask, and we'll look into and see if it's something MamaOwl would be able to currently do and also willing to do. Artistic nudity is fine 99% of the time.
Complex characters might have a fee added to them, especially if they have very complex traits or alot of accessories. You will be quoted for the piece before the invoice is sent, and it will always be noted if a fee has been added.


Paypal Email: (We'll send invoices for purchases over 10$, for anything under that amount, we use a link)Preferred method of contact: (your username and @ if you prefer another platform to the e-mail communication)Type of Commission: (Tier A/B/C/D and body cutoff)Character(s) Ref(s):(max 3 per image, please - fees will apply)Pose/Idea/Concepts: (If none, for artistic freedom; Please tell me about your character)Background References & Other Details: (If applicable)Theme: (Give a mood, word, colorscheme, songs, etc.)Anything else?: (Anything you’d like to let us know, make note of, etc.)


Before you go ahead and click the buttons to reach out to MamaOwl, there are a few key things you should know.MamaOwl has a manager named Nymph - and she takes care of most of the communication, as that's alot easier with regards to MamaOwl's health. That being said, you are free to message Mama directly at the commission email ( for placing a commission order! But for the most part, all contact after that will go through Nymph.Nymph's contact infos are as follows;
Discord: Nymph#4081
Telegram: Nymphadoraxx
FurAffinity: Nymphadorax
Twitter: Nymphadoraxx
Now that we've got that out of the way, here's all the platforms where you can check out MamaOwl and their art;


Headshots & sketches

Bust, Half- & Fullbody


Complex Backgrounds

NSFW (18+)

Terms of Service

The following text is the terms you are agreeing to when entering into a contract with (commissioning) MamaOwl. Please make sure you have read through them completely, and understand them. By commissioning MamaOwl, you are agreeing to the terms, and breaking the contract will lead to blacklisting.


╰☆╮ My orders span over 3 months in advance. With certain exceptions, I do not do same day/week/month turnaround commissions, and will very rarely work with a specific deadline. This is due to my health - being a chronically ill artist is not always ideal, but I try to let everyone know when I have a flare up. Be patient, and check my social media often if you’re anxious about your commission.╰☆╮ I have a right to post any and all finished commissions as well as any WIPs to any and all of my social media, including Patreon, Twitter etc. If you don’t want your commission posted, please notify me when inquiring about a commission. I will rarely accept a commission I cannot use in my portfolio on my social media - this is how I generate new clients.╰☆╮ I try to respond to business emails/DMs in a timely manner and as soon as possible, but please allow me 48 hours (on my work days) before messaging me about the same inquiry. You are also free to send the same messages to my Manager (Nymphadoraxx) if you are worried about any slow responses.╰☆╮ I am not a social person, and do not engage in small talk with clients. Try to keep your messages to me polite, but to the point. I normally do not befriend my clients, so if I am ignoring your personal additions to any message, I am not trying to be mean - I am simply trying to keep things strictly professional.╰☆╮ If you want the commercial rights to your art piece, this has to be discussed before the invoice is sent out. I will require a minimum 30% fee to any commission for you to have the commercial rights to it. You are not allowed to use a gift, freebie, raffle prize etc for commercial use, unless I’ve explicitly told you otherwise.╰☆╮ I will normally send out 1-5 WIPs depending on the piece, complexity and if you have made any specific request. You will always get a WIP of the sketch before I start lining. You will also get one right before the piece is finished, so you have a chance to correct me on any mistakes or things I’ve missed. After I’ve sent you the finished piece, the only things I will edit on your image are mistakes on my part (i.e. markings, patches of unfilled color etc). These have to be addressed within 3 days, or I will consider your piece as finished and accepted.╰☆╮ None of my art may be used in block chain related technology, this includes NFTs. I also don’t allow my art to be used in any form of AI generated “art”.╰☆╮ When you commission me, you acknowledge and want my style in your drawing - I will not manipulate my art to look more like other artists’. If you like another artists’ work more, I suggest you commission them instead, as I will not mimic their style.╰☆╮ Your artwork will not have my signature/watermark plastered all over it, but I will also not give you a piece completely without my watermark. This is to ensure my work can always be traced back to me, should someone try to claim my work as their own.╰☆╮ Commissioners can upload their commission to almost all social platforms - I’m on most of them. Ask for my @ so you can properly credit! As long as the image is clearly credited, you are free to post it.╰☆╮ You are free to print out your image and frame it, or order a large scale print of it. Same goes for stickers and t-shirts - as long as it’s for personal use ONLY, you can pretty much do whatever you want with it. No resale or commercial purposes are allowed.╰☆╮ All images I produce are copyrighted to me. Clients’ characters are copyrighted to them, even if the art has been done by me.╰☆╮ All art I produce and sell is copyrighted to me, and is forbidden to redistribute commercially or otherwise under federal law.

Payment & Refunds

╰☆╮ I only take PayPal, and I only accept USD as the currency.╰☆╮ After an invoice has been sent out, you have 48 hours to pay it, unless another arrangement has been agreed upon.╰☆╮ For smaller purchases, I might sometimes use a link instead of sending out an invoice. This will always be my decision, and you will not send payment without getting either an invoice or a link sent directly to you.╰☆╮ Do not order a commission unless you have the means to pay. It’s your own responsibility to pay your bills etc before treating yourself to a commission.╰☆╮ I will NOT refund you the same day you pay your invoice.╰☆╮ I will also not refund you once both the lines and the flats are approved. Only commissions completely unstarted are eligible for a 100% refund. If a rough concept sketch has been sent out, you can only expect a 50% refund - I have already spent my time, energy and creativity on it, and will only refund the 50% if the sketch can be repurposed to another client and/or a YCH of some sort.╰☆╮ Unless something very urgent has come up, you will not be eligible for a refund due to wait times until your commission has been on my queue for 4 months or more. I always have a long queue, and people should be aware of this before commissioning me. My health often prevents me from working as effectively as I would wish.╰☆╮ I have the right to refund a client at any time in the process without giving a reason as to why.╰☆╮ I will absolutely never refund a piece after it’s been completed. If you did not voice your concerns during any stage, it is not my problem that you’re not satisfied with the outcome.

Queue & Wait times

╰☆╮ I usually have a long queue, and it’s your responsibility to look at my queue before ordering. By commissioning me you are accepting that you will most likely be waiting at least 1-5 months, often more. My typical turnaround is 2-3 months.╰☆╮ If the wait time exceeds 6 months, you will be compensated in one way or another - this could be a discount for your next order, or a free upgrade of my choosing to your current piece (quality or cutoff etc).╰☆╮ I will not check in with you every month you are waiting. You will hear from either myself or my manager once I have any progress to show.╰☆╮ Do not send me messages just to see how long it will take for me to get to your slot on my queue. This stresses me out, and will make me less excited to work on your piece. Follow my trello to see what’s before you. If it has been more than 2 months you can check in, but due to the nature of my health, I will most likely not have an estimate for you. Please respect that.╰☆╮ Sometimes I get artblocked on a certain piece and have to work on something else for a day or two. Just because you see someone else’s art being sketched, does not mean I’ve skipped you - I’m just trying to get my creative juices to flow.╰☆╮ If you do not see your piece on my queue at all, feel free to message. We try to keep the trello updated, but sometimes the sheer volume of orders makes it easy to miss a note. We appreciate you reaching out in this case!╰☆╮ Your wait time begins when you’ve paid your invoice. If you inquired in February but paid in March, your 4 months until potential refund starts in March.╰☆╮ Scheduling is dependent on what my week and health looks like. I have pets and other obligations, and I do have to rest when my body tells me to.╰☆╮ I have the right to finish a commission as I see fit and without input from the client if my wips/messages are not replied to within 3 days per stage/message. Sometimes clients disappear on me for months at a time, and I just can’t have the piece lingering on my queue. If you don’t respond, or respond rudely like “I don’t care” etc, I will complete it as I see fit.╰☆╮ If the above mentioned situation happens, I will not redo the commission for you. I’m very forigving and understanding of life getting in the way, but I can’t wait around forever.

Placing an Order

╰☆╮ All inquiries must go through either me or my manager, in a DM on social media. Comments with forms will not be considered legitimate orders unless a submission is posted ASKING you to comment with your info.╰☆╮ Send me a message with my form - this has covered all the fields of information I need, and it helps keep things organized. Be sure to include all relevant info in the form/message. Details not included will be null and subject to a fee.╰☆╮ If I do not respond to your form, it can be one of three things;
a) You have filled the form incorrectly. Please double check it.
b) The commission has been declined, and I do not accept this order. I do not need to tell you why.
c) My commissions are currently closed.
Do not send the same form multiple times without edits. It’s most likely been declined, and you will be blacklisted if you keep spamming my inbox with the same form over and over again.
╰☆╮ I do not need a reason to decline a commission. It could be the character, the type of commission, or the person ordering it. I do not owe you an explanation. No means no.╰☆╮ I have a right to choose who I want to work with. If I feel like we won’t work well together, or my past experience with you was negative, I may ignore/delete messages, as well as delete comments/bids/adoptable claims you post on my submissions and auctions. It does not mean we cannot interact or work things out, it just means I am not capable of working adequately enough to satisfy your needs as a client.╰☆╮ I may blacklist you for any reason, and do not owe you an explanation as to why. If you’re patient and treat me like an equal human being, you have nothing to worry about.╰☆╮ I can legally not do business with you if you are underage and/or a minor.╰☆╮ I will not do business with you if you’ve been banned or suspended off social platforms - this goes for ban evaders and account hoppers too.╰☆╮ For the most part, I do not work with people who contact me from a completely empty account.╰☆╮ I will under no circumstance do business with anyone I’ve blacklisted or who are constantly making new accounts.

Third Party Involvement

╰☆╮ Due to my health situation, I do get outside help from time to time. Most people know about my manager, who schedules things, contacts my commissioners, and sends out pieces. Contact will sometimes come from my manager, and sometimes from me personally - it depends on my current health situation.╰☆╮ For the same reason, my queue often gets pretty large. Therefore, I have two assistants who sometimes sketch for me. They only do concept sketches, which my manager sends out. If you approve of the concept, I will still re-sketch and then line and color (if you’ve opted for color) the piece, so it will always be a 100% MamaOwl piece. It’s just so that I don’t have to worry about doing and re-doing concepts, and my attention can go completely to drawing so that my queue can move as quickly as possible.

I will draw;

✓ SFW and/or cute/soft things.
✓ Vent art.
✓ Some gore.
✓ NSFW, but with certain restrictions. Feel free to ask about your idea!
✓ Humans and anthro.
✓ Some feral - mainly dragons and avians, but feel free to ask about your character.
✓ I prefer drawing females or female presenting characters as they look the best in my particular style. However, some male or male presenting characters will often be okay. Just don’t assume that I will draw any masculine character.
✓I will draw characters that are underage, as long as it’s a cute and age appropriate setting. A lot of my clients have children and want to have them in their commissions or get their first characters made by me. All of this is perfectly fine, as long as there’s at least one adult in the situation and the whole thing is purely G-rated.

I won't draw;

✕ Minors (<18) in any sort of sexual, harmful, suggestive or abusive manner. If you are a MAP, I suggest you do not ever interact with me. I will blast you publicly for being a pedophile.
✕ Vore of any kind (eating, vaginal, anal, penial, testical etc.). ✕ Characters eating dead flesh/meat/etc are okay, I just do not draw fetishized vore. This just triggers my eating disorder in a bad way.
✕ Inflation. Bulging bellies with cum/tentacles/eggs are mostly okay, just ask! Ridiculously inflated proportions just don’t look good with my artstyle.
✕ Any sort of bodily functions outside of cum or saliva. I willl never draw feces, vomit or urine. This is a strict no.
✕ Pregnancy fetish and birthing. A SFW pregnancy piece is completely fine!
✕ Racism, politics, religion bashing, LGBTQIA+ hate/intolerance. If you don’t understand why, you don’t belong on my page.

Drawing preferences & style notes

╰☆╮ I do the best work when I am given lots of artistic liberty. Very specific commissions will often make me overwhelmed, and I will spend more time on it, and it will make me produce less than my best work. This is not to say you cannot come to me with a specific idea, but I work alot better if I’m given more freedom.╰☆╮ I prefer drawing female presenting characters. I am okay with drawing males if they’re less masculine, but I highly prefer feminine chars. They fit my aesthetic and style better, and I’m more comfortable drawing them - as I am, after all, a Shoujo-Josei artist.╰☆╮ I like drawing emotional pieces. They let me express my creativity a lot, and I am always very likely and happy to take these on.╰☆╮ It is very important to note that my style is my style. It’s not going to change. I’ve had people complain that their character didn’t fit my style, and frankly - that is not my problem. If you think your character might not be the best fit with my current style, then choose another character you think will fit, or don’t commission me at all.╰☆╮ My work is very feminine, as my training/focus is on being a Shoujo-Josei anime artist. If you want your character/piece to look very masculine, you should probably commission someone else instead. My style is my style, and it won’t change in any major way.

Character Changes & Re-sketching

╰☆╮ I am not responsible for you falling out of love with your character. You have to be aware that I often take a few months to complete, and if you think you’ll sell the character in that time, either don’t commission me, or pick a character you know you’ll keep until the art is finished.╰☆╮ I only allow ONE CHARACTER CHANGE per commission. After that, you can pay for a second change, or just sell the character with the pending art included.
Character change fees are as follows;
- Before sketch is done; $15
- After sketch, requiring a re-sketch; 35% of the original, total price.
- After or during lining; 60% of the original, total price.
Linework takes me hours to complete, and I highly discourage you from changing the character after line work has been started.
Only the first change is free, and ONLY if the sketch is either not started or is an incredibly loose concept sketch.
╰☆╮ I do not give out refunds for you selling the character. You can pay the fee and change the character, or include the art with the sold character. You will under no circumstance be refunded even partially, as I am not at fault.

Final notes

I do not sell anything to minors. By accepting my terms of service, which is the entirety of this document, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. Even if your commission is completely SFW and innocent, I will not sell to you if you’re under age. If this is disputed: you are not allowed to sue me, or accuse me of any fraud, since you willingly entered a binding contract between you, the commissioner, and me, the artist.By agreeing to these terms of service, you are willingly entering into a contract between the client (you) and the artist (MamaOwl). If you agree, you are not allowed to sue me, nor claim fraud or aggression when the terms above are applied and followed through.Thank you for your time, and please enjoy any and all services I offer.
